Covid-19: Immunity Protocols

So unless you’ve been under a rock this entire year, you have seen the global disaster known as Covid-19. All theories aside, what I want to present is the hard facts on what we know about viruses in general. We know that of all the tiny particles, viruses are the smallest. Thats a FACT. We also know that the first line of defense against any foreign pathogen that threatens our health, is our tried and true IMMUNE SYSTEM. That is also a FACT. The immune system is the MOST IMPORTANT factor to consider when talking about health and wellness. The immune system serves as the buffer zone between you and other dangerous life forms. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, yeast, mold; these are life forms seeking to live in your home, RENT FREE. 

What is even worse is that most people are already so fatigued and sluggish from poor lifestyle habits, that they aren’t even aware enough to notice when one of these invaders has found its way into their bodies. Most people’s reality isn’t that of vitality, motivation and energy. Most people have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, let alone enough stamina to immediately attack the day with ENERGY.

So what do we do about this? The answer my friends, in this case (unfortunately), is the cliche one, begin the journey of health and wellness. Lao Tzu, the Great Sage of ancient China, said it best “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Ironically the origin of the Coronavirus and many of the solutions to shielding ourselves from its wrath also come from China. I spent a LONG time studying Wu-Shing (Chinese medicine) and while I’m not a certified expert, I used my own body as a human guinea pig to try and see if there was any merit to this ancient system of healing. 

Here is what I found… 

There are MANY key nutrients for boosting the immune system, these 3 seem to be the most potent.

1. Large doses of Vitamin C have the ability to prevent diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Gout. In addition Vitamin C also helps maintain healthy skin, is important for eye health and is essential to the body to make collagen. Some signs you may not be getting enough Vitamin C include lethargy, anemia, fatigue, bone pain, mood swings and easy bruising. 

An important fact about Vitamin C is that our bodies do not produce it naturally. Good sources of Vitamin C include kiwi, bell pepper, pineapple, and limes.

2. The next powerful nutrient to boost the immune system is Zinc. Zinc not only boosts our immune system but it also boosts our LIBIDO! (Your partner will thank you). Zinc also regulates blood sugar, supports brain function, and even helps clear up skin issues like eczema and acne. Zinc is also a strong defense against cancer. 

Zinc is primarily found in grass-fed beef, oysters, dark chocolate (winning), pumpkin seeds, lamb, crab, peanuts and mushrooms to name a few. I personally love canned Oysters from Trader Joes. My best recommendation for every day people who don’t have the time to count how many milligrams of Zinc they get on a daily basis (Who the hell does?!), grab a supplement called ZMA! Its a Zinc, Magnesium and B-6 blend. 3 pills before bed is a whole lot easier than always tracking daily Zinc intake. 

3. I saved the most medicinal (and in my opinion the most potent) nutrient for last: Oil Of Oregano. Or as I like to call it… the ultimate ‘Anti-Drug”. Oil Of Oregano is *****Anti-Viral***** Anti-Parasitic, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Allergen, should I keep going? Its also a NATURAL ANTI-BIOTIC!!!

Oil Of Oregano is also amazing for sinus congestion and improving respiratory health. You can even dilute some Oil Of Oregano in water and drink it to help treat Bronchitis! When combined with probiotics and a low-carb diet, studies show Oil Of Oregano can treat Candida (yeast over-growth) and UTI’s. Honestly, the list is endless.

So without making this blog go on and on I think you guys get the point. The common mistake people make is trying to spin too many plates at once. Start with 1 or 2 of these supplements in addition to following my approach to training, nutrition and sleep! No one single supplement is going to keep you 100% safe from diseases or infections, but your body’s immune system will appreciate the extra fire power.


48 Laws of Power


Mean Gene