5 tips to stay fit while traveling

Now that the world is opening back up and people are starting to travel again (YAY) it’s important to have a game plan when it comes to staying on track with your fitness goals. While most hotels have an acceptable gym with at least a few pairs of dumbbells, with the rise of Airbnb’s you might not have even a hotel gym when you’re on vacation. Below we have listed actual ways we keep ourselves on track while traveling and find them to be very effective. These tips can help you stay fit no matter where you are vacationing.

  1. Pack resistance bands

    Resistance bands are the most travel friendly piece of workout equipment because they take up literally ZERO space in your suitcase. You can bring multiple resistances/lengths and get in really effective workouts without the need of a gym. Here is a resistance bands only workout I did while we were on vacation in NYC .

  2. Full body bodyweight or HIIT workouts

    Bodyweight exercises are a great option because you can do them literally anywhere, you don’t need a gym or equipment. Focus on compound movements such as pushups, lunges and squats. HIIT workouts are also great because they are short but effective, so workouts won’t be interfering with your much deserved time off.

  3. Plan treat meals

    One way that we can get way off track while on vacation is by overindulging in meals out. One way to avoid this is to plan one treat meal and for the rest stick to meals you typically eat. Airbnb’s are great for this because you have access to a kitchen and can either pick up groceries, order Hello Fresh or Blue Apron or even meal prepped food so you can just heat and eat. You can also look up healthier restaurant menus around your location and plan your meals ahead of time!

  4. Sign up for a free trial

    These days you can almost always find a gym close to your hotel/airbnb and many offer a free week trial before signing up. This is a great way to have access to good equipment while also saving money. We have also just paid for a week or two at small local gyms, these don’t usually make you pay a yearly membership fee like the bigger box gyms do.

  5. Use it as a deload

    Another way to look at vacation time is as a much needed break from training. Taking a week off working out can be extremely beneficial to your body and mind. You will get rest both physically and mentally and come back to your training refreshed and probably with a higher intensity. Think one step back for 2 steps forward.

At the end of the day “failure to plan is planning to fail”, so have a plan going into your vacation of when and what you’ll be doing. This will help you actually enjoy your time off instead of worrying about losing all your gains.

- Gene & Gaby


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