10 benefits of 10min walks

Hot girl walks are trending and we are here for it!! In order to make the most out of your hot girl walks we recommend breaking them up into (3) 10 min walks after your meals instead of doing one 30+ min walk and here are 10 reasons why…

  1. Improves digestion, reduces gas & bloating

    Have you ever ate an extra large meal, then went to lay on the couch for a little Netflix and feel like your food is sitting in your chest? Yea same… instead of heading to the couch after you eat, lace up those sneakers and go for a brisk 10 min walk. This will not only reduce any gas or bloating you may experience it will also start the digestive process and help you digest your food faster.

  2. Decrease in all cause mortality

    Studies have shown that frequent movement throughout the day has been associated with a decrease in all cause mortality which basically means you’ll live longer and better!!

  3. Improves blood sugar levels

    Research shows that brisk 10min walks after a meal can increase insulin sensitivity by up to 30%!! It also shows that walking is 2x as effective for high blood sugar levels as prescription medication.

  4. More convenient than long walks

    Finding time in the day for a long walk is sometimes impossible also who wants to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 30-60min? That is why 10min walks are so great. You can fit them into your schedule so easily, and studies show taking multiple short walks throughout the day is actually better than a 30min walk at the end of the day.

  5. Aids in weight loss

    NEAT or non-exercise activity thermogenesis is the energy we expend for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-related exercise. Increasing your NEAT is important if you’re looking to lose some extra body fat, and walking is one of the simplest (and completely free) ways to increase your NEAT.

  6. Improves circulation

    Because of technology, much of our day has unfortunately become very sedentary. Prolonged sitting has been linked to multiple health concerns. From obesity, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Breaking up the sitting pattern with multiple short walks throughout the day will improve circulation and reduce muscle pain and stiffness.

  7. Good for your joints

    As mentioned above, walking improves the bodies circulation. Walking is a low impact way to improve your bodies circulation and will ensure you keep your joints nice and lubricated, while helping strengthen the muscles that support them.

  8. Reduces stress levels

    Most of us know intense exercise releases endorphins (the feel good chemicals) but did you know that simply walking does too? Walking can also reduce cortisol levels (aka the stress hormone). How good is that? So simply walking outdoors, (especially if we aren’t checking emails on our phone while we do it) is a great way to lower our stress levels and improve our overall mood.

  9. Easy way to get more vitamin D

    An estimated 41 percent of adults in the US are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to living a happy and healthy life. Low levels of Vitamin D can cause depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance, muscle aches and many more issues. Getting sun exposure on your skin and in your eyes early in the morning, such as after your breakfast is a great way to help you get more vitamin D.

  10. Keeps your dogs & family happy & healthy

    10 minute walks are great for the entire family, furry friends included! Your dogs will greatly appreciate the extra walk time and it’s also important for your kids to learn healthy habits early on. 10 min walks keep the whole family healthy!

Now we can’t end this post without giving credit to the OG of 10 minute post meal walks, Stan Efferding, who is also where we first heard of this life changing habit. Here are 2 of his videos on 10 minute post meal walks if you want to learn more.

Happy walking!


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