12 Weeks to Genetically Fit

We all admire those that are in good shape. Fit, happy and healthy people live longer, higher quality lives. All of us are capable of achieving that. With that said, we live in our body. Our bodies are the expressions of our beings. You are with your body and your body is with you. How you treat your body is how you treat yourself. Self-respect starts from within. When something internally shifts, we feel it. We sense it. Our bodies recognize millions of years of evolution in a single moment.

This program is the ultimate tune-up. Your body is a biochemical organism, aka a machine. This program is a manual for building lean muscle tissue. Lean muscle tissue is one of the greatest indicators of longevity. Muscle building is a skill, and you can learn that skill. This program is not about losing weight, it’s about gaining muscle. It’s not what you lose, it’s what you gain. You gain confidence. You gain more energy. You gain more respect from others, who now look to you as a role model. Someone of character, thats gone through the journey of transformation. Someone thats been there, and knows how difficult the road is. What you do with this information is now YOUR responsibility.


  • Complete guide to exact sets, reps, exercises, and rest periods

  • 90 day customizable training calendar

  • Photos with proper form & descriptions of each exercise

  • “The Rules” a complete crash course of the necessary habits to achieve mission success

  • Progress tracker to journal your successes and provide constructive feedback

  • Print & mobile versions

Get the program

Note: If you’re new to physical training, I’d recommend starting with my free Fit From Home Training System prior to purchasing this program.


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