Why hire a coach? Part I

Accountability: Imagine right now that you didn’t pay your rent or mortgage payment for a month. The consequences of missing a payment usually results in a late fee. The penalty of a late fee is usually enough to ensure that most people don’t miss another payment. If you do miss the next payment, you may receive a letter that threatens eviction. If you miss that next payment, the consequences are that you end up on the street!

What does this have to do with Health and Fitness Gene? Well, if there was no late fee or no eviction notice on your home, you wouldn’t have any reason to continue to pay for your home. I know I wouldn’t give away my hard earned money that I spent time and energy acquiring if there wasn’t the accountability factor of late fees and eviction notices. Your health is the same. Too often we don’t change our diets until the doctor tells us we’re pre-diabetic. We don’t quit smoking until the doctor tells us we’re developing lung cancer. Accountability is the only reason we do 90% of our day to day. I don’t like brushing my teeth or cleaning my house but I DO IT ANYWAY! You don’t need to wait until the doctor gives you the equivalent of an eviction notice on your body! “Sorry Sir/Madame, you are going to lose your body if you continue to skip payments of good quality food, sound sleep, and challenging exercise!”.

Having a coach is the ULTIMATE accountability factor. You pay your coach with your time and your hard earned money. You don’t owe your coach that. You owe that to yourself. Many people do not respect their time, most in fact waste it. But money? NOBODY disrespects money! So if you don’t respect your time or another human beings time, you damn sure will respect the money you lose if you slack off or decide not to show up!!! Money put down on your ASS=Accountability. This recipe is the ultimate X-Factor. It keeps you honest. It keeps what you’re doing with your life valuable. It proves to yourself and to your coach that YOU ARE SERIOUS. You are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals! Anybody can talk, not everybody can do what it takes to live a life that’s worth living. 

If you’re interested in personal training don’t wait any longer, send me a message & let’s make it happen!


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